Finding My Brother – A recounting of our travels back to Cambridge and our First Week Back

Yes, I know what the title says, and the man I’m referring to is not my actual brother, but he said he was, so we are going with it. During week one of our program, he stopped me on the street to request a photo with me. We obliged and thought this was absolutely wonderful. His parting words to me were even to say hello to our mother.

In a complete lapse of judgment, caught up in the wonderful confusion of the introduction we were receiving to the British population, we didn’t ask for permission to post this photo! We have been trying to find him for nearly two weeks now to get his permission to post the photo of him and me. With this week’s return to Cambridge, we are continuing our search!

SPOILERS: We did not find him :*(. Here is the photo with his face blurred out nonetheless and me, your guide for this week’s chaos: Beck Arnow (Intro: I am a geology major surrounded by computer scientists).

This search began with leaving our home for the past ten days: LONDON. Despite the many wonderful adventures, the beautiful city architecture, and even seeing the local wild students (with students removed for legal reasons) studying outdoors in the park, it was time to return to our proper place of study again, where we would no longer be struggling with the issue of whether or not there should be a random TV in the meeting room we were using as a classroom. 

We left behind the subways and our stumbling back and forth as we attempted to stay upright without holding on to anything (which a friend and I decided to make more difficult by standing on the coupling point of the cars or, every once in a while, taking a seat), instead hopping on our bus and making it to the proper trains and with that, we were off to Cambridge!

Upon our arrival, we had a bit of a walk, and to beat the rain that we had felt a few drops of, we decided to move quite fast. Seen below is Alistair Pattison and Jeremy Beckler’s celebration of making it to the dorm we are staying in for the next couple of weeks: Homerton College!

Upon arriving, I did laundry (after figuring out the oddly difficult system of laundry cards (which I could argue may be harder to use than the card-operated computers we have been learning about (I am kidding here, but they were quite overly difficult))), then immediately started moving in. I started putting up decorations and the first one to go up is a wonderful work of art made by Cole Weinstein!

After decorating the room, and after the bit of rain there had been, I decided it was time for an evening walk and to admire the campus.

This walk turned into a grocery run, as we, for the first time this trip, have kitchens!!!

Now focusing on the main reason we came back to cambridge: CLASS!!! Yes, but actually no, to search for the man who said he was my brother. On our searching, we passed by much wildlife in the parks on our walks between classes. 

We have even been exploring local restaurants to try and find him to ask to post the photo with him. We found a great Korean Barbeque restaurant, the oldest pub in Cambridge, and even the a restaurant with a serving robot! 

We also managed to run into the other Carleton College program (Econ) while out and about! We took a slight detour together and ended up finding a hedgehog! 

For the last stop of the week, Cole, Ethan, Robbie, and I joined a local game shops magic the gathering (card game) draft night! Though we all lost, and didn’t find the man who said he was my brother, we had a blast! (Sadly, no photos were taken)

This is all for this week! Stay tuned for more Computing in Cambridge Shenanigans (and hopefully at some point a cameo of the man who said he was my brother!)

One thought on “Finding My Brother – A recounting of our travels back to Cambridge and our First Week Back

  1. Hedgehogs are cute! I will have to see one in person to believe they they are not simply mythological creatures. Thank you for the post!

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